Saturday, December 20, 2014

Art: Guanlong wucaii

Because similar dinosaurs like the feathered Dilong paradoxus are considered distantly related to Guanlong, it has been speculated and widely accepted that Guanlong had feathers. However, from a creationist's perspective, these two species are not related. Dilong is more tyrannosaur-like, even sporting two fingers, in contrast with the three long fingers of Guanlong. Thus, there is no reason for creationists to believe Guanlong had feathers, though there is also no reason for creationist to believe they didn't have them either. In this illustration, I couldn't decide if I would give it feathers or not. In the end, the neck was unscaled and sported some quill-like structures on top, indicating that their may be feathers elsewhere on the body, but I leave that up to the audience's discretion.

1 comment:

  1. I love this creatures eyes that you gave it. So intense. xo mom
